24/7 Personal Pharmacist Access with Emergency Delivery

Healthcare and medications are full of complexities; complexities that can take a decade of education to truly understand. You will have your own personal pharmacist just a call, text, or email away any time you have a healthcare-related question. Whether it is a medication interaction question while you are out shopping for supplements or an emergency call in the middle of the night, your pharmacist is always available, and we never close. If y0u’re in need of emegency medications, our pharmacists will personally deliver these medications to your home 24/7, and will offer patient education to ensure your personal safety.

Medication Synchronization

Through our program, a dedicated pharmacist and technician will ensure that all of your medications are always ready to be picked up at the same time every month. No matter when your physician sends in a prescription, it will be synced up the very next month so you never have to worry about taking multiple trips. Through this program, your physician is proactively called for refills well ahead of time so that you never have to worry about missing a single dose or waiting for a single day.

Preventative Healthcare Interventions

Nothing is more important than Preventative Health when it comes to staying healthy and out of the hospital. Medications can have drastic positive benefits on long-term quality of life for certain populations. On the other hand, certain medications may also have side effects that can put you at nutritional deficiencies or at risk for other conditions. Nobody ever expects a side effect until it’s too late. Our pharmacists will use evidence-based medicine and analyze your medication and health profile to ensure that you are on the optimal guideline-driven medications and supplements to live a happy and healthy life. 

Vacation Medication Coordination & Worldwide Pharmacy Consultation

When you are planning a vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is if you will have enough medications. Managing your medications can be a hassle because you might not have enough for the duration of the trip or it might be too early for insurance to cover them. Just give us a call ahead of time and let us take the stress off your back. We will manage your prescription fills to make sure that you never have to miss a dose when you’re on the go. Additionally, while traveling anywhere around the World, our Pharmacists are available to consult with Pharmacies to help ensure the safety of your medication needs.  

Strep And Flu Testing

Whenever you get sick, the last thing you want to do is to wait for hours in a physician’s office just to be told you have a cold. When you have symptoms of strep throat or the flu, get tested right away to see if you are actually positive for the illness.

Travel Consultation Visits

If you love to travel as much as we do, you might find yourself anywhere in the world. Don’t let typhoid, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, or a simple case of traveler’s diarrhea be your last memory of the trip. Our pharmacists can take a look at your itinerary to find out which expert-recommended vaccinations and preventative measures are right for you. From immunization to medications fight jetlag, we are your one-stop-shop before you take any trip out of the country.

Annual Comprehensive Medical Review

When medication regimens start to get complicated, there are often too many hands in the pot of patient care. The pharmacist is the only healthcare professional guaranteed to review every medication when multiple providers are ordering prescriptions. An annual wellness visit is a visit to straighten out complex therapies. There are often times when it is okay to take many medications together but there are more optimal options available with a lower pill-burden. The pharmacist will work with you to help manage side effects, talk with your physician to adjust doses, suggest lifestyle and supplement choice, and ensure that you are on the best possible therapy. 

Pharmacogenetic Testing and Management

In the new age of healthcare, the medications you take should be personalized just for you. More than 85% of patients have significant genetic variations that change the metabolism of the majority of medications. That means that patients are either receiving too high of a dose of a medication which potentially leads to side effects and adverse reactions, or too weak of a dose to treat the underlying condition. Pharmacogenetic profiling has been proven to reduce hospitalizations from 40-70% in many populations and also to save money in the long term. 

At Immortelle MD, we can perform a pharmacogenetic test to optimize your medication regimen to your very DNA. If you become a member of our Practice, the cost of the test will be waived and we will continue to monitor and adjust your medications to your genetic profile as they change over time. 

Post-Hospitalization Coordination

Being hospitalized is one of the most stressful and confusing events that can happen to you. Patients often leave the hospital not knowing what to do next, which medications to start, and which to stop. Your pharmacist will meet with you at the hospital, at your home, or at the pharmacy to guide you through the entire process. We will communicate with the hospital staff to ensure everything is transitioned smoothly from the inpatient to outpatient setting and have your medications ready for you the second you are discharged.

Scheduled Home Visits

Do you have a healthcare issue but don’t have the time, ability, or energy to come in for an office visit? Our concierge pharmacist meets with you at your home or wherever it is convenient for you.