We restore energy, vitality, and balance.

Our Age Management specialists take a proactive, preventive approach, conducting comprehensive evaluations to identify well-known and accepted markers for age-related disorders. They use those results to guide patients in bespoke programs with established protocols and lifestyle modifications for optimized health.

Our cutting-edge Age Management therapies use artifical intelligence powered genomic testing to guide empowering your body’s vital functions and to put you back in control of your aging process. The comprehensive approach to hormone optimizing and balancing will help you achieve results that can turn back the clock 10 to 20 years, slow down or reverse the aging process, and optimize health as you age.

Benefits of Age Management Medicine include:

 More energy and stamina

 Increased mental clarity and focus

 More lean muscle and less stored fat

Decreased anxiety, irritability, depression

Better sleep

 Increased libido and sexual performance

 Better hair and skin

 Increased bone density

Relief of hot flashes for women

  Overall increased sense of well being


Hormone Replacement Therapy: 

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a systemic technique to combat the effects of age. The human body performs countless internal functions every second, and hormones facilitate the vital progress of these processes. 

As we age, we may have more difficulty maintaining healthy bones, muscle mass, and libido. HRT could be the perfect boost your body needs to support its natural capabilities.  Our experts understand the body’s delicate balance between testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones. Lead by one of the world’s leading hormone experts, our Practice will listen closely to your needs and tailor a unique treatment plan specific to your symptoms and strengths. 

For women, Menopause is a moment in time for a woman where the menstrual cycle ends 12 months after their last monthly period. It is a normal part of the aging process that happens when women reach their late 40s to early 50s. While it’s a natural process, menopause can introduce some unpleasant symptoms and ailments. Your body’s production of hormones starts to decrease, bone density will change, and hot flashes or chills may occur. HRT could be beneficial to you as it could nurture your body back to functional levels

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: 

 Those looking to undergo Testosterone Replacement are men who have noticed a decline in the way they feel about their manhood. They may experience low sex drive, decreased stamina, significant weight gain or loss of muscle mass. They have decreased testosterone production, as determined by appropriate medical testing. Eligible patients are realistic in their expectations about Testosterone Replacement Therapy and what it can do for them. 

We utilize a plant-based hormone replacement medication for our patients. The molecular structure of the medication is a replica of the testosterone produced in the body, making it bio-identical. Animal-derived and synthetic hormone replacement therapies cite a number of risks and side effects for patients. Whereas, bio-identical hormones pose less risk with fewer side effects. 

Peptide Therapy:

Peptide Therapy is a treatment meant to improve the quality of life and longevity in patients by reversing the effects of aging. Many people turned to this exciting therapy so they can enjoy improved sleep, increased muscle mass, renewed sex drive, and an overall slowing of the aging process. 

 The procedure employs specific amino acid sequences called peptides that communicate with different parts of the body. They do their part to enhance body functions by binding the receptors on the cell’s surface where they will signal optimal messages for health improvements. The results enhance physical performance, emotional balance, and mental well-being.